In the modern competitive world, all our lives have become a neverending race against time, technology, and targets. This race creates tension, which leads to dissatisfaction and frustration.
Yoga is a conscious process, helping us to raise our level of mental and emotional serenity without which harmony in thought and action is unobtainable.
In the following post, I outline various yoga practices that can effectively reduce stress and calm your mind

Table of Contents
1. Pranayama
Pranayama is practiced to cut the speed of inhalation and exhalation and bringing into action all the lobes of the lungs for full utilization.
Pranayama normalizes the breathing rate and makes the breathing uniform, continuous, and rhythmic.
Pranayama is practiced to cool down the mind.
Adapting relaxation techniques IRT (Instant Relaxation Technique) QRT (Quick Relaxation Technique) and DRT (Deep Relaxation Technique) into our life will accelerate our growth, helping us reach faster and go on to reach greater heights.
2. Meditation
Meditation is the yogic process of providing deep rest to our mind and body, by allowing the mind to calm down to its basal states.
According to Swami Vishnudevananda “During meditation, we watch our mind without expectation.
Sustained attention combined with no attachment ultimately unveils the ocean of wisdom that lies within”.
Read: mediation for beginners in 4 easy steps

3. Cyclic meditation
Cyclicity is one of the key facts of nature. Cyclic meditation is an art which provides us the adequate knowledge of relaxation technique, in spite of various kinds of stimuli that we tend to in our day to day life.
Cyclic meditation is built on the principle of alternate stimulation and relaxation incorporates the concept of cyclicity.
A number of stimulations of varying intensity suited to different levels of stress bringing out harmonious growth in tune with one’s innate nature.
4. Om meditation
Chanting the Japa of Om repeatedly without any break. If there are distractions, chant Om faster not giving a chance for the distractions.
Slowly this deep ocean of silence is created in the heart region as the sound of Om becomes slower and slower.
The beautiful vibrations give happiness and calm down the mind.
The Mandukya Upanishad is an exquisite treatise that expounds on the principle of Om and its metaphysical significance in various states of being awake, dreaming, and dreamless sleep.
Mandukya Upanishad deals with the Om Kara which deals with the three states of our consciousness – Jagrata, Svapna, and Susupti.

Hope that reading this article has helped you and that you can use these practices to your advantage whenever you feel need for them.
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Tune in next week for another article!