There is a lot of advice out on the internet on how to cultivate and form good habits, but there aren’t many places that teach you how to keep the good habits you have already formed.
There are some good habits that you might have had in the past but just couldn’t keep them going long enough and now they are a long lost memory.
All of us strive to one-day be a person who gets up on the right side of the bed, has the best morning routine, and a productive day that follows.
While this person could be us on a normal day because our work schedules forced us to do so, it most probably is not you at this moment, right now.
Since the pandemic has trapped most of us in our homes and cut out our busy outside work life, we now have much more time to spare.
These hours of extra time could easily pass by just by scrolling through your phone or watching TV the whole day, but trust me you do not want to waste your days like that.
So how do you be productive and get things done while staying at home without cultivating bad habits such as looking at your phone for hours on end?
Well, I’ve got you covered! Follow these 5 simple steps for better daily results!
Table of Contents

If you start your day without clearly having a vision of what you need to accomplish, you will probably end up wasting hours of precious time.
Keeping yourself accountable for your actions is a much-needed skill you need to master.
You could monitor yourself with something as simple as a to-do list or a list of daily goals.
You could ask your parents, sibling, or friends to hold you accountable if they see you wasting too much time.
All you have to do is make sure you are doing the things you are supposed to be doing

They say sometimes you gotta fake it to make it, and it’s absolutely true.
When you get up in the morning, act like you would on a normal school/workday.
Take an early bath and wear some work clothes.
Set up your environment to match your work or school setting.
Trust me, these small actions can go a long way and you will instantly feel like doing work and your mindset will totally change.

You might think that this one is unnecessary.
obviously, you need to write down what to do but why right down what not to do?
Well, when you write down what exactly you should and should not do during the day, you are reinforcing it to yourself.
The importance of making a not-to-do list is immense.
Every time you are about to do something you should not be doing, your mind will remember to avoid it.
This list also provides clarity as it is like a set of rules to comply with.
It will also help you from catching bad habits.
Ex-if you want to study history on a particular day, you would put” study 2 chapters of history ” on your to-do list and “don’t look at the phone for more than half an hour”, on your not-to-do list.
so you can end up training your mind to avoid the things that will form bad habits.

Even though we don’t have access to many things at this time, most of us have the internet and that can be very useful if used wisely.
Reading something motivational in the morning -like this blog post, or listening to a motivational podcast can really put you in a positive mindset and pull you out of the laziness that keeps you from doing things.
Find out what gets you motivated and use it to fuel your productivity.
Mediating, visualizing, and telling yourself daily affirmations are a great way to start your day.
You might want to read: How to meditate for beginners an easy 4 step guide

Rather than bombarding yourself with too many things, focus on one at a time.
This will help you get the most out of what you are doing.
When you need to be studying, keep your phone away.
Since we now do all our work from home we can get easily distracted by the things around us.
So it’s crucial that you set up your environment to allow yourself to focus completely so that you don’t fall into the bad habit of being distracted every 10-15 min.
Focusing on one task for as little as 25 minutes can get you better results than studying for an hour with no concentration.

Sometimes it’s beneficial for us to lose sight of the bigger picture.
We often get wound up in our bigger goal that we stop thinking about the steps we need to be taking to reach that goal.
And thus,our goals often seem impossible.
It has been proven that doing one good habit for even as little as two minutes daily will motivate you to do more good things.
So if you keep yourself away from your phone for 10 minutes, next you will want to keep away from it for 20 minutes.
So if the bigger picture stresses you out then focus on the small daily habits.
If you want to keep your room clean but you are a very messy person, start with folding your shirts first. You will then want to fold all your clothes and then be motivated to make your bed!
Thus small actions can lead to better habits, thereby preventing you from developing bad habits instead.
It works like magic, but all it needs is patience.
I truly hope that you learned something from this post and will continue to implement some of these techniques in your daily life.
You might want to read: What is Happiness ? and 15 reasons you should be happy right NOW!
If you like this post share it with someone who you think is whiling away their precious time. They might find it useful!
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Finally, if you enjoy my content and would like A Good Calming Read that will allow you to escape from this stressful world check out my FREE nature poetry book on kindle!
Thank you for reading and tune in Next Week!