Have you ever come across a situation where you are reading a book but there are 75 tabs open in your mind, none of which relate to anything you are reading. Basically, you inability to concentrate. Well, I definitely have. Concentration is an essential concept that we must master in order to succeed in almost any field in life. You should know how to concentrate the mind before learning how to meditate. We can all concentrate to some degree, but today, we live and work – constantly on call thanks to mobile technology which means that many of us have only a really short attention span. Practicing these simple exercises will help you lengthen your attention span and enhance your ability to concentrate, which can boost the memory and benefit your psychological health. Read on and learn how to master the art of concentration.

Table of Contents
What is concentration?
Concentration means attending fully to one thought or object for a substantial length of time. You are concentrating when you become engrossed in a book, eat without thinking about work, think actively about what you are doing at the time, or forget about your home life when in the office.
The ability to concentrate is not only essential for meditation, but it is also the key to success in any endeavor, and once you have trained yourself to concentrate effectively, you can use the skill in many other areas of life. For example, being able to shut out other thoughts and not make haphazard or hasty decisions will make you more effective at work.

The Benefits of concentration
Practicing concentration has many benefits. It can strengthen “thought-currents” – how we connect thoughts and ideas in the brain – making it easier to grasp difficult, complex, or confusing concepts. It also clarifies ideas, so you can express yourself more clearly. Concentration exercises and energizes the mind, boosting efficiency at work and in other tasks, while building will-power and the ability to influence other people positively. They also bring about serenity, insight, and cheerfulness.
READ: How to meditate for beginners in 4 easy steps!

Practical exercises
The exercises below provide an easy way to start developing your ability to concentrate. Initially, train your mind to concentrate on external objects, such as a book, sound, or something in nature, from waves on the ocean to stars in the sky. As you progress, you will be able to concentrate on more subtle subjects, such as an inner sound or an abstract idea.
While practicing, notice how aware you are of your surrounding and the various quality of the experience when the mind is focused. Then note how difficult it is to assimilate an experience with an unfocused mind. When your mind wanders, which it will often do, remind it to come back to the contemplation of the object or quality you are focusing on. Gradually lengthen your practice bit by bit until you can concentrate for half an hour.

1. Lose yourself in a book
Read two or three pages of a book, giving them your full attention. Then test your concentration by stopping at the end of a page. How much do you remember about the story? Can you classify, group, or compare the facts you have been reading about?
Read 11 quotes you need to read to yourself every day

2. Contemplate Nature
During the day, concentrate on the sky. feel your mind expand as you reflect on its vast expanse. At night, concentrate on the moon or the stars. By the sea, focus on waves, or shift your gaze between objects near and far, such as a nearby tree and a faraway mountain.

3. Listening to a sound
Listen carefully to the ticking of a watch or a repeated continuous sound. When your mind wanders, bring it back to the sound. How long can your mind concentrate on that sound? Or listen to a prominent sound for a while, without reacting to it. Then shift your attention to other sounds, one by one.

4. Focus on a flower
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Imagine a garden with many flowers. Gradually, bring your attention to a single flower. Visualize its color and explore its other qualities, such as texture, shape, and scent. Concentrate on the qualities of the flower for as long as possible. You could also choose any other object if visualizing a flower is not your cup of tea, but the process is the same.

5. Reflect on an idea
The ability to reflect on your experiences and the environment around you is one o the most important skills. we need in life.
Relax your body and mind and think about a quality, such as compassion. Imagine how you could express it in your life. Think of great people who embodied it. Ask the quality to fill your heart, then flow out to the whole world. Think of yourself as perfectly compassionate.

6. Candle contemplation(focus)
Sit cross-legged in a dark room with a lighted candle at eye-level an arms distance away. Watch your breath for two to three minutes. Then look at the flame for one minute and try not to blink. Close your eyes and visualize the flame between your eyebrows for a minute.

Thank all for taking time out of your day to read this article, I hope that you can implement some of these practices to improve your mental concentration and be more present in the movement.