So Life Happens and You don’t really realize where all the time has gone.
Days go buy at lights speed and we often never stop to ponder why we are doing what we are doing or if we can make what we are doing, better.
How do we know if we are working towards the purpose of life or the end goal of life?
Most of the time we go through life still confused about where we should be or what we should be.
Well, that’s okay, but there are some things that you can control and this post outlines the 8 things you might be doing that mean you are living a mediocre life

Table of Contents
1. You Can’t Remember the last time you did something that you love
In today’s day and age, we often get sucked into a life that’s not ours.
The life we live may not compromise of doing what we want or living how we want .
We fail to realize that we are the ones that control our destiny and that we can change our lives to exactly the way they want to be.
So why not make that change?
If you Can’t remember the last time that you were doing something that you genuinely enjoyed, then there is surely some space for improvements in your life.
Whereas we may not have ours to devote to our hobbies or passions, we can definitely spend a few minutes or at least an hour.
Once you devote a little time the first day, you will start to notice that you make more and more time and before you know it, doing something that you actually enjoy has become a part of your daily routine.
This can be immensely powerful for keeping better mental health and overall happiness.
You will start to look forward to that activity every day and surprisingly you will be in the state where you just can’t imagine living a life where you couldn’t do something that you genuinely enjoyed.
2. You look at other peoples lives and sigh at how great their life is and how much your sucks
Nowadays, with social media, this has become somewhat an unconscious action. We are constantly looking at other people’s sugarcoated lives through social media and sulk at or own lives either because we think that we just don’t have enough.
What you have to realize that there are always going to be people ahead of you and there are going to be people who are behind you in various fields: income, health, popularity, success..etc.
Usually, we only see the people who are better than us and fail to realize that to someone else, we may be the that successful person they visualize.
It’s a never-ending cycle, we can never be the best and we shouldn’t be trying to be the best.
Life becomes much better when we realize that we are all the same and that we control how we live our life.
No matter what your circumstances may be on the outside, you control the inside of your self.
You can choose to live the best life internally and maybe even a better one than the person’s life you were gawking at!
Read: What is happiness and 15 reasons why you should be happy
3. You don’t get up smiling and go to sleep smiling

Now, this sounds a little bit extreme and unrealistic but I don’t literally mean that you wake up in the morning with a creepy smile stuck your face!
What I mean is that you should be waking up feeling like you are looking forward to the day and genuinely feel positive about the hours to come.
As for going to bed with a smile, I mean that you should be happy and sleep without regret and worries.
Now you can instantly change your mood before you go to bed if you follow some simple steps like journalling or saying affirmations before you go to sleep.
Trust me, it makes a huge difference!
If your a person who needs a planner to make sure you are doing all the right things you need to do to keep you happy, then you can get my FREE Happiness and law of attraction planner.
Read:10 Affirmations You NEED to say as soon as you wake up
Read:10 Affirmations You NEED to say before going to bed.
4. Your always tired
Everyone gets tired, but if you’re always tired then there is a problem.
If you’re tired, you become lazy, and when you become lazy you don’t feel like doing anything and when you don’t do anything, you just wasting precious time.
There are proper reasons that you could be tired such as after a long run or after a hard long day at work, but if all your day job is doing is sucking the life out of you, then do you really want to spend the majority of your life doing that?
It’s just a question that I would like you to reflect on and get to the root of the problem. If you are constantly tired, then why?
Can you do anything to fix it?
If you just need some peaceful energy then try meditation or yoga
Read: How to Meditate For Beginners.
Read: Yoga for stress reduction
5.you have forgotten why you are doing what you do
Everyone has a purpose and they should spend their time doing what they are meant to do.
But it’s not that easy as most of the time it takes us years to find our purpose and some don’t even get to that stage.
What we can control is setting our goals and working towards them with a burning passion in hopes that we discover what we are looking for when we achieve our goals.
We need to reflect on what we are doing and whether or not it fits into our bigger picture.
If the work that you are doing is contributing to your end goal then remind yourself that and you will always be motivated.
If the work that you are doing now doesn’t make sense to you then leave it and find something more meaningful
Read: The law of karma and how it can make or break your life
6.No matter how much you do you still feel like your behind

Now this is common nowadays as there are always people ahead of us and some of us take this as a sign that we are behind.
Although this seems like a logical conclusion, if you constantly think about how you are behind, you will never be satisfied and you won’t value your accomplishments as much as they deserve to be valued, and thus you will always remain unhappy.
So if you are doing this, STOP!, it will drain you mentally and you are definitely not living life to the fullest.
7. You haven’t set goals, long term, and short term
This a continuation of the 5th point.
Now, this is important for anyone who wants to achieve success or just someone who doesn’t want to be living life blindly.
You need to know where you want to go to be able to choose your path.
You need to know your destination to know whether you should be taking a cycle or plane, ok I’ve said enough it think you understand…
And also it’s fun, you can set one big goal and several smaller goals and continue to work a little towards it every day.
Read: How to Visualize For any Goal
8. You Haven’t Connected With Nature
Maybe it’s just because I’m a nature lover or because I feel like it has something that you can’t get anywhere else but you have seriously not lived life if you haven’t explored nature and fallen in love with all it has to offer.
We come from nature and eventually go back to it. Many of our questions are answered when we are one with nature and connected to it at the deepest level.
Go explore national parks, invest some time in going to see some of the best scenery around the world, or if that sounds like too much you could start with your backyard, and grow a plant.
Trust me its a very rewarding experience to see something that you planted grow!
The least you could do is delve yourself into a nice nature poetry book. You could read mine for a price less than your morning coffee and it will give you so much satisfaction!
You will be amazed at how much peace and happiness you will feel when you are close to mother earth. It’s wonderful!
Just as a disclaimer this is only my opinion and you can take these tips with a grain of salt.
Some may look at life totally differently and strongly believe in different ways of living their best life so I’m not saying these signs are for everyone.
All I’m saying is that you need to learn how to live your best life somehow and I hope that this article brought to light some things you might have been doing differently or something you would like to improve slightly.
We are all on our own journey to find what works best for us!
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And finally, if you would like to keep learning about how to live the best life subscribe!
All you have to do is enter your email! Finally, if you would like to support me then check out my nature poetry book.
Thank you for reading and tune in next week!