What is happiness? According to Google, it’s simply defined as the state of being happy. Now one may ask how to get to this happy state. In today’s world and according to studies our happiness usually depend on our income, our relationships, our status, our health, our values, and other factors.
Of all the factors, relationships seem to be the ones which factor into our happiness the most. When the people we love are happy, we are happy. So the question arises-can we control our happiness? Can we learn to be happier people or is happiness just a state that comes and goes? Well, the answer is YES! we can learn to be happier people. We can do so by tweaking our lives and making small changes that change our perspectives.
We can start from when we get up and say our affirmations. We can build better relationships and there are numerous other ways. But sometimes, we just need a valid reason. With all the sadness and confusion going on in the world right now, I know it’s hard but I thought id give you some incentives to change your mood for the better. Happiness isn’t a tait, its a state. It’s impossible to always be happy. Here are some reasons that you should be smiling right now.

Table of Contents
1. Being happy attracts positive energy
When you are happy, you smile, when you smile, genuinely, all negative thoughts find it harder to squirm into your mind, leaving behind only good thoughts and feelings. You get what you put out into the universe according to the law of attraction. So the more positivity you put out, chances are the more you will receive back.

2. Being happy brings peace to the mind
When you are happy, your thoughts are happy, and thus overall, your mind remains happy. This state is rare and when you are happy, your mind is not being bombarded with negative thoughts that can increase the probability of anxiety so your mind is calm. You appreciate the little things when you are happier and it leads to mental wellbeing.

3. Making friends becomes easy
When you smile, people are attracted to you, making them think that you are a playful, kind-hearted, and positive person and then, making friends becomes easy. Happy people seem to attract more people as their attitude often influences people in a positive way and people love to be around others who uplift them and give them a reason to laugh. People also look up to people who are genuinely happier as they seek that kind of state themselves.

4. It makes you beautiful
Smiling makes you look and feel beautiful. It also makes you feel younger on the inside and outside. You are less negative toward yourself and happiness can lead to self-happiness or you being happy with yourself. To others, when you genuinely smile, you look like the best version of yourself,a.k.a, beautiful.

5. Being happy gives you a longer life
Since happiness gives you a calm mind and attracts positive energy, it takes away all the pain you have in your life and makes you live longer as you are less likely to get psychosomatic diseases and even if you fall sick, you have better chances of recovery. If you are happy, there are more chances that you will also lead a healthy, fulfilling life.

6. Happiness is contagious
You’ve definitely heard this one before but I think it needs to be said. Happiness is contagious! It has been proven that laughter and happiness are contagious and spread from person to person like happy ripples, and it is important to make others also smile and laugh. It is our duty to spread happiness in this world. Look at the picture below and tell me that you didn’t smile. (it’s impossible!)

7. Being happy gives you energy
When you are happy, you feel most energetic, as happiness gives you energy and you can focus more on your work, be more productive and finish it faster with more accuracy and enthusiasm.

8. Gives you good health
Happy people have lesser chances of becoming sick and even if they do, there are chances that they will experience fewer symptoms. Being happy keeps you away from diseases and hence there are fewer chances of you falling ill. Even after falling ill, the recovery will be quick.

9. It connects you with god
Happiness connects you with god, as god loves those that are happy and carry a positive vibe. Even if you don’t believe in god, it will connect you with the universes positive energy and that can only lead to good things.

10. Happiness releases stress
Serotonin levels become higher and therefore releases stress. Happiness is a positive emotion that helps in coping with stress and also helps in increasing your ability to manage and deal with stress.

11. It connects you with your inner consciousness
When you are happy and you close your eyes, you can easily reach your inner self Which will guide you in the right path. You are able to be conscious of your internal self as your body is calm and is not being flooded by negative emotions.

12. Happiness makes us give back to others more
When we are in the state of happiness,we want everyone around us to share that happiness .It also works the other way round.When we help people it makes us happier. Therefore when we are happy, we are compelled to give back to others more as it is our duty to spread happiness to the people who need it.

13. Being happy gives you abundance
Abundance means having a very large quantity of everything and anything. Happiness in turn leads to more happiness and you will increase the chance of living life with an abundance of happiness, love and positivity.

14. Happiness makes us more productive
When we are happy, we are in a good state of mind. When we are in a good state of mind, we do good things. When we feel good, we see the good side of life and these we get into the hustle harder mindset and accomplish much more than we would have if we pessimistically looked at our to-do list

15. Being Happy is the purpose of life
This might sound a little bold but if you really think about it, all the things that we chose our whole life-money, fame, relationships,etc.. are so we can be happy with our lives in the end. We later realize that happiness comes not from the outside, but from within. We conjure up our own happiness. And if we already know the end goal and know that we control it, why not put it into practice now.

It’s surprising how we got through life seeking what is already within us . We already have it . Happiness means different things for different people, yet the internal feeling is exactly the same. I hope this article provided a glimpse of the few reasons you should be happy and what happiness is and where it comes from.