Do you have a ton of work to do right now is your todo list overflowing and nothing is checked off. Well, then you’ve come to the right place. As it’s impossible to always be motivated I’m gonna teach you how you can be productive and somehow trick your mind into being motivated enough to finish your tasks.
Table of Contents
1. Convince yourself that you absolutely love what you are about to do.

Before sitting down for doing something that you don’t like doing, tell yourself that you love what you are about to do and that you. Let’s say you hate math. Before you sit down to do some problems tell yourself that you absolutely love math and the sheer complexity of the problems excites you and that math is your absolute favorite subject. Now sit down to do your problems and you will be grateful in the future saying that you had done it.
2. Listen to or read something uplifting

Since we sometimes just don’t feel like doing anything and cant gives ourselves a pep talk, we need to draw some inspiration from others. Listening to a motivational podcast, video or book can remind you of valuable lessons that you might have forgotten. It has been proven that listening to or reading something encouraging will always uplift you.
3. Keep your goals in front of you

If you are consistently aware of what you are working for: your end goal then you will rarely be motivated. Often we get sucked into doing something and forget why we are doing it or if it even aligns with our future goals. So be aware of what you are doing and if you are sure that you are working towards your goal, you ‘ll most likely be motivated.
4. Take frequent breaks, but not on a device(trust me)

When most of us take a break we usually take to our phones or watch a little tv and our 10 min break usually ends up turning into a one hour one within the blink of an eye thinking”what! I just started a second ago” and in the end, you feel like you never got a break in the first place. Instead, if you took a break by just taking a walk around your house, visiting your garden, or just having a small talk with your family, you’ll think that soo much time has passed only to realize it been only 5 min. The value that you get from these breaks is immense and you actually feel like you’ve had a break and you are much more refreshed.
5. Productively procrastinate

This may sound paradoxical but trust me ists away more productive than just procrastinating and not getting anything done. What I mean by productively procrastination is if you have to read 1 chapter each in maths, physics, and biology and you also have to do the chores. If you really don’t want to do the math, do the chores then read physics and bio, and then when you have nothing left, come back to math. So instead of wasting all that time, you finished everything else on your to-do list. If you don’t want to do something procrastinate by finishing another, less daunting task, like washing the dishes or cleaning your room. Youll get more work done this way!
6. Find different ways you can do the same work

You have to realize that there are a dozen ways to do the same thing. If you don’t want to read something, watch a video of it instead. If you don’t want to actively pay attention and read or watch, then passively listen. But continue to do your work, even if you’re going at snails speed cause at least that’s something. There are soo many ways that you can get your work done just try to think creatively.
I hope this article was helpful to you, There are many other ways to be productive, but these are are a few techniques that I have found to be immensely helpful to me.