Here are some yoga poses that you should be doing when your eyes are closed. This is another one of the things that beginners or other people who perform yoga do not practice.
Read- Mistakes that yoga beginners make
We should do these postures while closing our eyes because these postures work and feel best when they are synchronized with breathing. Sometimes we do not get to know how we are breathing until and unless we close our eyes. The effectiveness and benefits of these postures are increases dramatically if you just close your eyes. Since you are closing your eyes you become more aware of what your body is doing and how it seels. This is very important while doing yoga as you are constantly trying to observe the changes in your body.
Most of these practices are simple ones they can easily be done without looking.

Table of Contents
1. Toe squeezing
Toe bending is usually done while closing the eyes closed and synchronized with the breathing. Inhaling while squeezing the toes and exhaling while releasing the toes.

2. Ankle bending and rotation
Ankle bending is also done while closing the eyes. while bending the ankle up and down, it is inhale up and exhale down. during ankle rotation, half the circle is inhaling and the other half is exhaling.

3. Kneecap tightening and loosening
While tightening the kneecap, we usually inhale, and while loosening it, we exhale. It is done either while sitting or standing. It is done with the hands on the knees, so the we can feel the tightening and the loosening of the kneecap.

4. Knee bending and stretching
While stretching the knee, we usually inhale, and while bending the knee, we exhale. This is done while sitting down and cannot be done while standing. While sitting down, you wrap your hands around one knee and lift it, while the other is stretched in front of you, and stretch and bend the knee that you are holding. The same practice is done with the other knee.

5. Waist rotation
It is done while standing with the hands on the waist and the legs apart at shoulder length. Half the circle is done while inhaling and other half is done while exhaling.
6. Opening and closing the fingers
Opening and closing the fingers can be done while either sitting or standing. It is done with the hands in front of you at shoulder length and fingers are opened and closed into fists. while closing it is inhale, and while opening it is exhale.

7. Wrist rotation
The fingers are kept in a fist in front of you at shoulder length, and the wrist is rotated. While rotating the wrist, half of the circle is while inhaling and the other half is while exhaling.

8. Elbow folding
Elbow folding is a yoga practice done while sitting or standing. It is done while the arms are at shoulder length, and the elbows are folded by bringing the hands to the shoulders, and then they are again released by keeping them straight again. It is inhaling while folding the elbows and exhaling while releasing them.
9. Shoulder rotation
Shoulder rotation is done when both hands are on the shoulders, and then both elbows are rotated in a circular motion, and when the elbows come to a certain point in front of you, then you can try to touch both the elbows together. The breathing is inhale half circle and exhale other half.

10. Stretching neck up and down
While stretching the neck up, we inhale, and while stretching the neck down, we exhale. It is done both sitting and standing. It is nothing but moving the neck up and down however much possible.

So these are the practices that are done with closing of the eyes and with synchronized breathing. Hope this was helpful. Thank you.