Hi! I’m Shreya, someone who enjoys making people’s lives better by providing them with insight into areas that they might need help in.
I am intensely fascinated by the human mind and have a passion to learn about how it works and its hidden potential.
So I decided to start Purple space, a place for Youth, like me, to spread mental health awareness, talk about the brain, the mind, the body, and discuss interesting topics and issues freely.
Through this blog, I aim to provide teens and youth, like me, a platform to openly discuss all things relating to psychology, mental health, and happiness
For any questions email purplespaceblog@gmail.com or leave a comment below!
Happy Reading!!!

Linh Huynh
My name is Linh and I’m a junior in high school. I love reading adult romance fiction. My favorite book is the After series by Anna Todd. I love reading, but I also love psychology. I may be a junior, but I hope to major in psychiatry and mental health services in college. Whenever I write an article on PureMind, I research the subject and I learn many new things about it. If you have any questions for me, don’t ever hesitate to email me at lgh190432@gmail.com.